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Less import tax, less trouble. Norway is becoming more interesting!
Selling online in Norway has long been an attractive opportunity for most EU webshops, but the trouble of shipping to a country outside the EU, with the technicalities and costs involved, has stopped many.
This will change as of April 1. 2020. Norway will launch a VOEC-scheme (Vat on e-commerce) that will simplify the process of selling online to Norwegian consumers from within EU. The Norwegian authorities has been developing the platform and the processes since Christmas, and the new solution is now ready for pre-registering here.
Do you need help with the registration don't hesitate to contact us. Here is what we know about the VOEC-scheme at this point:
After registering to the VOEC-scheme you will receive a unique VOEC-number which must be added to all packages sent to Norway.
Consumer goods incl. fashion products with a product value below NOK 3.000 (300€) can be imported without import tax via the VOEC-scheme.
Products with a value above 3000 NOK cannot be imported via the VOEC-scheme.
Foodstuffs and goods subject to excise duties cannot be imported via the VOEC-scheme.
The VOEC-scheme is for consumer import only, B2B import is not possible.
Companies using the VOEC-scheme have to do quarterly Norwegian VAT declarations.
You can only have one active model, either a VOEC-setup or a local subsidiary/branch.
Specific logistics partners can ensure that all required info is electronically transferred to the Norwegian Tax-authorities.
Formalities and requirements about return handling in connection to the VOEC-scheme is still unclear.

First of all, we recommend you stay tuned. You can find detailed information about the VOEC-scheme here